23 July 2009

Pavan's Answers

(Physical) EXERCISE NO. 1 !!!!!!

MY Corrected sentences ?!!!!!!!!!!!

a) I lent you a rupee yesterday.

b) I had lent you a rupee (one rupee) yesterday.


a) You born in 1960.

b) You had born 1960.

a) I had been seeing (looking or watching) him a few days ago.

b) I saw him a few days ago.

a) Your father was the Principal of this college when was studying here.

b) Your father was being the Principal of this college when I was studying here.

a) I worked in that factory for six months.

b) I had been working in that factory for six months.

a) A candle threw (spread) its dim light in that big hall.

b) One candle threw its dim light in that big hall.

c) One single candle threw its (dim) light in that big hall.

a) I have been writing (poems) poetry since my student days.

a) The train began to move before I reach the platform.

a) Columbus discovered America.

b) Columbus discovered the continent America. (not necessarily!)

a) The Full moon shone bright in the cloudless sky.

Tried By Typist PavanKumar of DPAR(Admn-C).

As The Prize,

What Can I Expect.

But, CHOCOLATEs from The Chocolate Mama ?!!

So, All The Best To Other

Achievers/ Attempt Makers !!/ Challengers !!?

So The Final Score of Pavan Is 6 out of 10....


He Is The Today's Winner

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